Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Facts of Life..

I am listing down some facts which I have always found true in the events I have witnessed around me, in my experiences!
These are only applicable to me and that’s how they are here! Any resemblance to anybody is purely co incidental..

1) When it rains then the whole environment tends to get happier! As if the nature wants us all to get happier ..Forget all the pre occupations we have all the stress and just feel the soothing effect on us!! The rain has always elevated my mood however dull I may feel! And one of the best things of coming to Bangalore is the rain here! It just rains for no reason here ! Amazing it is.
2) A majority of people in this world are more concerned about other’s lives than their own! Because probably they enjoy seeing other people also suffer. And in most of the times they can’t stand the fact that somebody is happier than them. Human psyche it is, we feel better to think of someone who is on a lower ground as we are! And a lot of thinkers and wise men also propagate the fact..It amuses me!!! Each one of us has a story of life and everybody is interested in knowing other’s stories rather that making theirs’ a fairy tale..
3) Some times in life you come across your alter ego!! When u see those things happening that you had anticipated to say or do! Its really weird, coz then u feel that somehow your thoughts are being read by someone else!! Suddenly somebody very identical to you in the thought processes will know whats on your mind!

4) If I long for something for a long time then whenever I get that, it tends to loose its charisma! Just the next moment. Like simple things such as a good nights sleep after the exams! I was literally longing to sleep for at least 24hrs after the mid terms!! But I ended up staying awake the whole night.
5) The best philosophy that keeps me happy is not to expect anything from anyone, so in a way whatever you get back is a bonus. I have started following this religiously and it really helps.
6) In the matters of conflict between the heart and the mind, I always want to follow my heart but most of the times end up choosing the latter which I regret later!!
7) I feel love is the most misunderstood and over rated word which we use so often and replace ably for so many other expressions! Don’t know how sense that made!
8) I feel the biggest achievement for me will be to transform a life and touch a few hearts(very few ).My biggest treasure is the trust and faith that people who matter to me have in me , no matter what I do!


primeinteger said...

Real good insights :-) These feelings are all the more applicable in the kind of fast life we lead here at IIM Bangalore.

Arjun said...

good hai ji !!
@ 2) On the contrary i feel people do put thier tales before others . . people always want you to hear them out first . .

Damanpreet singh said...

Thats an amazing post..Really nice thoughts

Naren said...

Agree with pt 4 :)
Do u really follow pt 5???

anupam tripathi said...

All the points are generic for a any normal Human being.good post expect new posts on generic human nature.
Good woork keep it up n dont restrict ur insights just in IIM life is too big n two years in IIM jus a negligible part of it.