Sunday, July 1, 2007

The brighter side of life…

Of all the people I have ever met , only 2-3 seemed happy with life.I mean how strange it is to think that nobody is really happy!!!
What is happiness…well scientifically..happiness is an emotional or affective state that is characterized by feelings of enjoyment and satisfaction. As a state and a subject, it has been pursued and commented on extensively throughout world history. This reflects the universal importance that humans place on happiness.(courtesy---dictionary .com)

Wow.. but what makes us happy?
For me… a lot of things make me happy…Every night when I go to sleep dead tired , I feel great and satisfied of spending a useful day, playing with small kids and answering their senseless questions by cooking up all the more nonsense stories makes me happy. Sometimes listening to a very meaningful n soft song brings a smile on my face so much so that I sing with the song n keep singing for the next 2 days.. I feel great to take small pups in my arms, they cuddle and are so innocent and adorable..Feeling the rain on my face in the cool breeze makes me happy..having a light conversation with a friend also brightens the mood many times…And the list goes on! Of course how could I miss my very dear chocolates…

Actually there are so many things which I can go on and write about.. Fill pages on what makes me happy…then why is it that I don’t promptly answer the above question? What is it that makes me think so much to answer this question?
Had I given as much importance to the rain , that one moment when I felt great , I think I would have had accumulated a treasure of happiness…Why is it that we keep looking for bigger things in life? N ignore the smaller ones… Because nothing will stay with me forever.. nothing.. every tangible form will end , its only the abstract , the unseen which I can call my own, my feelings , my moments of joy , when I just felt that time shall stay and I could go on …
So if life is beautiful today , its in my hands to make it look beautiful forever…
Its what side I want to look at!!!

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