Saturday, July 14, 2007

Am I really sure??

These days I am doing a lot of thinking.Trying to find out what I like and what I don’t.This is the first thing we were told to do once we joined IIMB..And this thought process takes me long back in history when I started taking my own decisions..sometime when I was 13yrs old. The teenage syndrome did struck me also..So I am still thinking what makes me happy and what puts me off…
And hoping to reach a conclusion soon because then I have to find my passion….one thing being hyped so much as a part of the B school culture again..(sometimes I am not really sure what brought me here..passion…no coz I still haven’t found one..then destiny???..) One word we use very loosely…Destiny…I recently got some information on the importance of destiny n its relevance..m still deriving my insights from it..Never mind…Before I get into those philosophical moods of thinking insanely on weirdities of life..let me get back to business….

I was asked a very relevant question lately..what is that we are sure of in life?I did have an answer at that time..that well we can be sure of ourselves atleast if not the world..but then on introspection I realised I was cant be sure of anything!!Coz this morning when I got up with swollen eyes(again a part of the B school life…sleeplessness) I had abstained myself from doing certain things…and a devil that I am..I did exactly that!!Nw I am not going into the details of what those were, but the truth is even after excercising control on my will I was helpless..

So do I lack determination? Well I would not like to admit that…I leave this thought here only and will try to find an answer to that question again…what are we sure of in life??

I started to write about myself and ended up landing nowhere..well that is the biggest quality I have..Either I am convinced or I am confused!!!...

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